Offrir des voyages sans stress aux tournois mondiaux : L’équipe de GB Speedway (English only)

Providing stress-free global travel to world tournaments: GB Speedway Team

Discover how ATPI Sports Events removed the stress of travelling to global competitions for the GB Speedway Team

The challenge

Due to the amount of travel that the GB Speedway Team do in order to compete in international tournaments, there is a high requirement for visa and travel documentation management. Aside from the riders themselves, there is also a large team of coaches, management and mechanical engineers who are also required to travel, all journeying from different countries and adding another layer of complexity to visa requirements.

The unpredictable nature of competing in worldwide sporting tournaments means that the GB Speedway Team often make travel arrangements on an ad-hoc basis, with most bookings having to meet tight deadlines. Riders’ busy schedules mean that the timing of travel is key and must be planned meticulously.

Find out how ATPI Sports Events arranged the GB Speedway Team’s travel to Speedway of Nations